TissueGUARD GmbH was founded as a spin-off from the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF), Germany. The story begins in 2016, with a research project of Dr. Juliane Bessert and Dr. Mikhail Tsurkan to grow ex vivo lamellar corneal tissue, which indicated the need for a novel biomaterial platform. Throughout this project, all known and available biotechnologies damaged the artificially produced tissues. Therefore, TissueGUARD founders developed a biocompatible, on-demand degradable cell culture platform, which can overcome these obstacles – the basis for our innovative technology.
Today, TissueGUARD has several patents in the pipeline targeting the next generation of tissue engineering and cell therapies. We have an established QMS and aim to deliver hydrogel biomaterials as medical devices for cells, organoids, and tissue production, thus enabling their clinical application as therapeutics.
We are a tight-knit team continually looking for new opportunities for growth and development.
TissueGUARD develops smart hydrogel-based medical devices for the next generation of regenerative therapies. Our technologies will resolve donor shortages worldwide by helping to provide on-demand tissues, organoids, and cells as therapeutics.
Chemical Engineer, CEO
Cell Biology, Regulatory Affairs, COO
Lab and Supply Management
Chemical Technical Specialist
Head of the Institute Biofunctional Polymer Materials, IPF Dresden
Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials, Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden at the Technische Universität Dresden
Chief Physician at the Eye Clinic at the Chemnitz Hospital
Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Anatomy at the Technische Universität Dresden